Tuesday, October 21, 2008

When Life Hands You Lemons Dont Forget To Stamp The Checks!

Yesterday came and i still hadnt felt the shoe drop on the loud disagreement i had with my co-worker. I just knew i would hear something. I just knew that it would get all blown out of proportion to make this co worker look good. But i heard nothing.
So yesterday i casually brought it up to my supervisor. I asked her if she had heard about what happened between me and this girl. She genuinely said she hadnt. I have known my supervisor for 12 years so i could tell that she wasnt pretending not to know. So i told her what happened. She said that maybe this other girl knew she was in the wrong so thats probably why she didnt say anything.

But she did tell me that she came to her and told her that i had forgotten to stamp the back of the checks one day.

Oh brother...

See what i mean...


Till Later...


Anonymous said...

But not stamping the back of the cheques is really important.
The world will end now because you didnt do it.

Delores Getmeslippers said...

sIt is difficult when you have had a run in with a colleague. Hopefully it will all settle down and life will go on as usual. You just have to be aware of folk that are a bit nasty.

Sage Ravenwood said...

Work is hard enough, without someone sitting there looking for every little thing you might of missed...I'm sorry to hear the co-worker continues to be annoying. (Hugs)Indigo